NEW YORK - The Rev.
Al Sharpton denounced
Paris Hilton's release from jail on Thursday, saying it had "all of the appearances of economic and racial favoritism."
"I think that it's both another glaring display of how race and money seem to get different treatments. There seems to be a different criminal justice system for some than others," Sharpton said.
After only three days behind bars, Hilton traded her 12-by-8-foot cell for her 2,700-square-foot Hollywood Hills home because of an unspecified medical condition.
Hilton was to be under home confinement, wearing an electronic monitoring ankle bracelet, for the remaining 40 days of her sentence for violating probation in a reckless driving case.
Although Sharpton said he has "nothing but empathy for Ms. Hilton," he doubted similar treatment would be offered to minorities or poor people.
"There are any number of cases of people who handled being incarcerated badly and even have health conditions that are not released," Sharpton said.
"But I think that it gives a very bad signal when Ms. Hilton is treated any differently than any other parole violator in their county or in this country."
No details were available on the nature of Hilton's medical condition. Sheriff's spokesman Steve Whitmore refused to answer questions about whether it was physical or psychological.
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